Aku Bakari, a resident of Nyanya, Abuja, has asked the court to separate him and his wife, Mary, over allegation that she gets too involved in church activities.
The wife was dragged before a Customary Court in Nyanya, Abuja, Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
The petitioner accused his wife of abandoning her duties as a wife and mother because of church.
He told the court that he tried to stop his wife from going to the church, but that she refused.
He said, “My wife no longer has time for me and our children. She is always going to church. She sometimes goes to church on Friday and sleeps there until Sunday evening.
“She does not care if we eat or not.
“My wife and I were living happily together as husband and wife until 2010 when I started noticing some strange behaviours in her and this, especially in her mode of dressing.
“She stopped wearing earrings and necklaces, claiming that those things belong to the devil.
“That was when I noticed that she had stopped attending our family church, Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (NCCN), and was attending another church where she is being brainwashed. I told her to stop attending the church, but she refused.
“It is on this account that I wish to divorce her,” he said.
However, the woman, Mary, denied the allegations.
The presiding judge, Doocivir Yawe, advised the couple to reconcile for the sake of their children and adjourned the case.